Good news, Glenda and Taty didn't move out yet. It was such a nice surprise to start my day off with.
Bad news, we've been having to deal with the attitudes of the kids at The Promise House. Not that it's our responsibility, it's just hard to watch the kids pitch fits and not do anything. Especially if you've grown up watching kids be raised. There's one girl, Fabi, and her mom is a little slow, and they think Fabi is too, so they just ignore her. But, in reality, she's really smart. So she'll pitch fits and her mom will just ignore her. The problem, though, is that her mom ignores her all the time. Not just when she's pitching fits... So today we were in the back blowing bubbles, and Fabi got mad about something (I don't even know what) but she threw herself on the ground and started kicking and screaming. I picked her up, put her on the couch inside, and went back outside. Ten minutes later she was sound asleep.. Katie told her mom that she needs to take naps every day, but, of course, she just says that Fabi does, and we know it doesn't matter.
It's just sad. I don't know how to help.
We did have a productive day, though. We talked about true beauty and then painted our nails (a little ironic, I'm aware) then we made "friendship" bracelets, and talked about how God is the one friend you can always count on. Then we went to the park, played with chalk, and then went home and played with the bubbles.
Tomorrow we're gonna do the beauty thing with the girls at CIPI.
Speaking of, there's a new group here and they've been great. They're all adults, and they've been so encouraging. They even asked Katie and I to help them plan what to do with the girls. At CIPI they've started to plant some gardens and we're going to help keep up with them while we're here.
Also, yesterday I was told I was "wise beyond my years" and that I "looked like a true Salvadorean". So, needless to say, it was a good day. :)
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