Friday, June 24, 2011


We ended up going to The Hope House (the house for girls who were in a detention center for gang related stuff, or for girls who were in abusive families). I was hesitant because the last few times I've been there the girls have had attitudes, and have not been responsive to anyone. But when we got there the girls were very responsive to us (and the passage we read in the Bible) and we danced for about 3 hours straight, and they BEGGED us to come back. It was suchhh a blessing.

We went to CIPI for a little bit, and then went to get someone from the airport who is with OH. We then went to Wendy's for lunch, and hung out at The Promise House for a little bit. Glenda drew me some pictures, and we went to the park. Just the usual.

Today (Friday):
We went back to The Hope House and did the lesson on true beauty. They painted nails for 3 hours. I started to feel a little sick, but I think (and hope) it's just a little cold that the girls have all had lately. The girls were so sweet, though, and offered me medicine and told me to go to sleep. I've actually really grown to love them all. One of the girls had an English book for school, so we went through that and I taught her how to say everything. Which actually helped my Spanish some.

Now I'm back at the house trying to rest a little bit before we go with the group to get pupusa's for dinner.

All in all, God has really blessed us this week. Not only with how The Hope House girls have responded to us, but also in little ways that I won't even go into. Thank you everyone for keeping up with me, and for keeping Katie and I in your prayers.

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