Monday, June 18, 2012

But You love me anyway.

Yesterday we went to a community on the beach where we are building a house, and made hot dogs for everyone. We got to feed hundreds of people! If that's not God working, I don't know what is.

Last night I went with the group to feed the homeless. Feeding the homeless is possibly my favorite thing to do. Aside from the adventure of riding in the back of a pick up truck throughout San Salvador, it is amazing to see how many people are living with nothing. And they are so grateful for what we give them. At one stop an elderly lady held my hand and just kept saying "God bless you" until we left. At the next stop a girl around 12 came up to the side of the truck and asked my name, which was a little surpising since most of the homeless just say thank you and go sit down. At that same stop I saw a mom with a newborn sitting on some stairs outside of an abandoned building. These three women (all in very different stages of life) really got to me. They were so thankful for what little we gave them.

Today we went to the community to begin building the house. After a rainy morning, and trying to tear down the old house, I found a boy named Juan standing off to the side. Anyone who knows me knows I can't resist children. Some of the women from the group and I went to a clearing and started playing soccer (futbol) with the boys from the community. We eventually took off our shoes (my idea.. sorry, mom) and just went at it. It was so much fun. I got to climb a tree with some of the boys, and then later washed up in the river. To say that was an adventure would be an understatement... While us girls were having all of the fun, the men almost finished the house! It typically takes two full days to tear down/build the house. They got it torn down AND got all of the walls up! Again, God was definitely working.

"Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix you gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways." - Proverbs 4:25-26. This has really been my prayer this week for the rest of my year. Being here makes me realize how blessed I am to have this opportunity and to be on this adventure. I hate going home and getting caught up in the normal high school nonsense. So these past few days have made me very determined not to do that this year. I have come too far and I have seen too much of God's power to just fall back into the normal teenage drama.

If you're friends with me on facebook please go see my status about the family who is staying at the mission house and keep them in your prayers!

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