Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Many men have walked much farther for much less"

The Ackermann's built a home in a community out in the country a few months ago, so we went to see the house and take food to the families in the community today. It was probably the most poor place I've ever been to. The houses were tiny and they were telling us that most of the people don't have money to get food a lot of times. The women will be nannies for people in the city, but they will have to stay in the city for like 10 days before getting a weekend to go see their own children. We broke up into 5 groups and walked door to door around the community to ask if they wanted food, a Bible, and us to pray for them. Again, I was struck with how appreciative and kind everyone was. At one point my group had just walked down a huge hill and our translator (Orsy) decided we should climb up a steep slope to get to one house. I said "Ummm." and he said "Come on Lydia, many men have walked much farther for much less." As soon as he said it I was reminded of Jesus and how far he had to walk with a cross on his back just for us. In no way am I comparing myself to Jesus. Quite the opposite, actually. It was just a reminder that I am only doing what I can do to tell these people about that long walk Jesus took.

Later in the afternoon we went to the orphanage for kids who have HIV/AIDS. There was one little girl in a wheel chair who immediately grabbed my hand as I was walking by. We only had the time to be there for about 30 minutes, but I stood there with her the entire time. Kurt told me that the kids got HIV/AIDS from their parents, and have been in the orphanage since they were babies. It's wonderful that they are there because they get the care and medicine that they need, but it was so heart wrenching to me to know that these kids are suffering because of something they had no control over. It seems like that is the common theme here. After talking about it, I was already on edge emotionally. Then the girl who was holding my hand, lifted it up and kissed it. That honestly made me cry. I can't even explain it. The fact that she is in this situation, and still shows her love to random missionaries who are just passing through, is so amazing to me.

I thought of Hosea 14: 4 today. "I will heal their waywardness and love them freely for my anger has turned away from them."... God was talking about how angry he was in Hosea 13, and then he turns and talks about how much he loves them. It is so crazy to me that He just forgives. I get so angry sometimes when I start to think about the kids here. But I know God has a plan for each of them. And I know He sent me here to love them, not to rebuke the people who have hurt them.


  1. Hey baby, that has really made me think and reexamine my own heart. Thank you so much for sharing...

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your journey! You are a blessing to each life you are touching in your extraordinary way, and we are blessed as we are inspired by those experiences through your heartfelt voice. It must be wonderful to share this passion with Micaiah and Hazel. You are all in our prayers each and every day!

  3. Dad, I can't wait to talk all about it when I get home!

    Mrs. Melanie, thank you so much for keeping up with me!

    Andrea, me too. It's so hard. But I have to remembe: God has a plan.
